Love is a Lucid Dream: The Story of Helen and The Californian Guy

Love.  Many words have been written on the subject, songs produced, films made and artists have been inspired by it for centuries. Love heals and love curse.  Love transforms you or destroys you. It’s like a curious and unexpected guest who knocks at the door of your life without notice: no matter how hard you try to hide from it, love can find you.

But what is it? What is this complex and contradictory feeling that one day makes you reach the stars and the next pushes over the edge?

English writer Jane Austin in her novel, Sense and Sensibility, tells the story of two sisters who reflect the dichotomy between rational thought and emotionalism.  What makes the book interesting it’s not the novel itself, but the fact the story is driven by a question that occupied many of the great thinkers of the 18th century till today: whether people are best served by having their actions ruled by heart or head.

I personally never really got to answer to that question.  But I do have my own definition of love: love is a lucid dream.  A lucid dream is exactly any dream in which you are aware that you are dreaming.  Aren’t we all in a dream world when we are in love? Don’t our mind and heart travel together towards unknown destinations to reach the mind and soul of our lover?  A lucid dreamer likes to set off in mysterious adventures, he’s aware of his feelings but he wants to be in control of the plot which occurs on the stage of his sleep.  Being guarded may makes him feel safe, but then life inevitably teaches him he cannot be in control of his heart. I’ve learned this by reading an amazing story written by a guy who lives in San Diego and was looking for a girl named Helen. He is an experienced lucid dreamer and his journey started and ended all in one night.

Guided by a mysterious man, he got introduced to many souls that night and among those there was Helen. They fell in love, they spent years together and they also got married. They deeply cared about each other and they shared their “real life “experiences till the day Helen disappeared. Sad and confused the guy goes back to the wise man who met at the beginning of his surreal journey just to learn that Helen had woken up from the dream. “Simple,” said the old man. “Helen has stopped dreaming.” After many years, in his sleep, the Californian guy is still trying to get back to that special place in hope to find her.

Such a story does deserve a better ending. In my mind he should write letters to her soul, leave them in public places – coffee shops, libraries, museums-  and maybe one day the real Helen, by reading one of those letters, she will return dreaming again. I’m a dreamer myself and I don’t need to fall asleep!haha!

So if you ask me what love is, well, my answer is…I don’t know. What I do know though is there’s someone special for everyone and that passion cannot be artificially created: chemistry has to be there from the start. And if it’s true that love is a lucid dream then we should never stop dreaming.

The mind in each of us can comprehend all other things, but is unable to know itself, once Philo said. So sometimes I stop trying to understand and let my imagination travel freely.

In my imagination Helen got to pick up one of those beautiful letters written by the Californian guy. The same night she falls asleep in hope to find him. They’re together now somewhere… And I can almost hear the spirits clapping.

5 thoughts on “Love is a Lucid Dream: The Story of Helen and The Californian Guy

  1. Hi Mely282,

    I gave a talk on lucid dreaming in London, and encouraged the audience to “ask” questions in the lucid dream — that is, ignore the dream figures and setting, and simply announce your question to the Awareness Behind the Dream. For example, you could ask, “Show me something important for me to see!” and then normally, the entire dreamscape will change and you’ll look at an entirely new scene (which might be very important for you).

    To take this further, I encouraged lucid dreamers to explore concepts. Consider this: Become lucid and shout out to the Awareness Behind the Dream, “Let me experience Unconditional Love!” A woman told me that she heard my talk, and in her next lucid dream asked to experience Unconditional Love. She said the experience was so powerful, deep and profound that when she woke, she cried tears of joy for 15 minutes.

    So I don’t know if love is a lucid dream — but if you know how to use it, lucid dreaming can bring you to an experience of unconditional love.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Dr Robert Waggoner,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog 🙂
      I’ve always found lucid dreaming very fascinating. I had a couple of lucid dreams in the past, but whenever I would ask any of the dream figuers why they were in my dream they wouldn’t know what to say. Once I also found myself dreaming with my eyes open: I was well aware that I was lying down in my bed and I could also see my room, but at the same time I was carrying on dreaming.
      Since I was a kid my dreams have always been very long and vivid, sometimes it’s like been in a movie.
      The Californian guy in his post (which I never got to find again) tells that Helen had woken up from the dream, but he’s still looking for her. So my question is: were they both having the same dream? Can two people, like in real life, meet in a dream?
      I’ve found your interview on conscioustv very interesting. I’ll check your book out.
      Thank you


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