A Lovely Blog Award: We Must Lose Our Fear of Being Wrong

I’ve always loved writing. On my spare time I work as a freelance journalist and I contribute to small magazines, though it’s never been enough. When my passion turned into a job I lost that motivation and that pleasure of writing that first moved me to follow that career path.

The idea of creating a personal blog always stayed at the back of my mind, but “who would be interested in reading it?” I thought. Even my mum still finds hard to keep up with that busy and congested world of thoughts inside my head.

Then I went through a time of change, and one of the changes I made was to move out of my old house. While I was searching for a room I asked for a sign and said: “I’ll only open a blog if I receive a sign. The only possible sign would be finding – in one of the rooms I’ll see- a desk in front of a window.” Well, here I am now sitting on my big white desk and the window faces onto a little backyard. I like to see the magic in the ordinary, it makes things more interesting.

See, when we set off on the journey towards our goals, we feel insecure, as if we had to get everything right first time. What does right or wrong mean, anyway? Pablo Picasso was the one to say that God is, above all, an artist because he created everything according to his imagination. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the ant. Even Van Gogh, in his early years as an artist, copied prints calling them “translations in colour” remarking that although a painter is expected to produce original work he can also learn a great deal by interpreting the work of others. So I decided not to follow one particular style and kept on doing whatever I felt like doing.

In less than 6 months by opening my blog I have bloggers reading and commenting on my posts. Only a few weeks ago two talented and inspirational bloggers Alanahleger and Jessica Edouard nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and One Lovely Blog Award. Here is how it works:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you linking back to his/her site
  • Put the award logo on your blog
  • Nominate ten bloggers

These are not the Nobel Price in literature and, least of all, they are not a nomination for the Pulitzer Price, but they are only two little awards that I want to acknowledge with great pleasure because teaches me that to live up to our dreams we must lose our fear of being wrong. Writing gives us all the opportunity to create the world we dream of: no rules, no limits. That blank page on your laptop screen is a world of endless possibilities…

Thank you

Here are some of the blogs I follow and read with great interest:

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